Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life Insurance First, Make Sure You Have Enough!.

As you might imagine, we get a wide variety of questions about types of life insurance and when to buy life insurance. Recently some of the hot topics have been:

Should I buy return of premium life insurance?

Should I consider whole life?

Should I buy universal life to 100 for a lifetime premium guarantee?

Is variable universal life a good investment?

Should I buy a 20 or 30 year term life insurance policy?

I’ve just quit smoking. Should I wait until a year has passed and I can get non-smoker rates before applying for life insurance?

These are all important questions and there are detailed personal answers based on an individuals health, facts and financial details available for each questions. However, in most situations the first and most critical question that needs to be asked is Do You Have Enough Life Insurance?

The importance of getting your premium returned, lifetime rate guarantees, lower non-smoker premium rates, using life insurance as an investment or locking in term insurance for 30 years is secondary to providing the amount of life insurance needed to meet your family’s needs.

Our recommendation: Calculate your long-term earnings potential, determine the actual amount of life insurance you need, look at the minimum basic costs and then find the type of life insurance that makes sense for you.

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